About Us

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Technologist , Strategist & Customer Centric !

Shuban Systems Inc is recognized as a global provider of solutions, services and software. With 5 offices in 4 countries, we are focused at developing and implementing ideas that have the potential to stimulate growth for our clients. Our team is engaged in driving solutions that are futuristic and in-sync with the market trends.

Headquartered in Basking Ridge , New Jersey, we are a team of 350 + people and are engaged in delivering solutions to Fortune 500 companies in verticals such as Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Technology.

Our Responsibility

Our business theme, ‘Digital Transformation Simplified,’ reflects our commitment to helping business and technology leaders drive transformations through simple yet effective techniques. Our portfolio is concentrated around, Cloud-Infrastructure, Analytics, Digitalization & Security- this is all we do. We bring a holistic understanding of issues and opportunities, holistic teams and an experience of over 2,500 successful global client engagements powered by innovative, futuristic methodologies.

Our Approach

We embarked on a journey to create a unique and powerful statement of value to clients summed in three simple phrases - Business Impact Created, Predictability in Execution, and Unique Client Experiences. Since then, all aspects of Shuban Systems and its ecosystem have been shaped to deliver this value repetitively and consistently in every client setting.

Our Mission

Our client satisfaction is ensured by an independent assurance function responsible for monitoring our engagements -- from proposals to service delivery. Throughout this process, our assurance confirms clarity in objectives and value proposition, guides teams in establishing delivery and outcome KPIs, engages in ensuring communications to clients, and deals with escalations.



Methodical and Vibrant

We’re methodical and deliberate in the work we do for clients. But it’s a vibrant workplace. Whether onsite with clients or in our delivery center in Bangalore, the buzz and energy on “the floor” are palpable.

Geeky and Cool

We’re proud of our math and engineering roots. So we acknowledge that we’re a bunch of data driven and analytical geeks. But we know that geeky is cool in this world of fast pace change.